Sales Info - Pricing and Quotes
Canadian Pricing for Canadian Customers
Our prices are highly competitive with USD$ manufacturer retail prices. You save on import fees & time and know exactly what it will cost you. If we have the instrument in stock, you can pick it up in the studio or we will ship to you. If we don't have the instrument in stock we will order it for you. Ask for a to-the-penny quote for the instrument package(s) of your choice. Written Quotes emailed to you
Call or email Alison with questions and to request a written quote (no obligation) Quotes are for your choice of instrument package with any options, shipping if required and applicable tax in your province or territory. You are welcome to request more than one quote if you are considering various models. [email protected] Quotes are valid for 10 days - expiry date is included in the quote for your reference. Prices do change with wholesale increases and fluctuating exchange rates. A 30% non-refundable deposit payment will secure your quoted price for 60 days. Balance of payment is due before the harp is shipped to you or when picked up in the studio. There are no financial surprises once you receive your personal email quote as a Canadian purchaser. No additional border, freight, taxation costs or misapplied duties to pay. Note: There is often the option to pay in USD$ - please specify whether you wish a quote in CAD$ or USD$. All website listed prices are subject to change without notice. We do not reserve instruments without your commitment to pay in a timely fashion. |