About Our Harps
Alison Vardy chooses new harps for West Coast Harps that offer outstanding value for their respective price ranges. Design, ergonomics, finish, portability, weight, and string tension are all factors considered. The most important considerations, however, are the harps' sound and overall playability. Simply put, our harps sound well and feel good to play.
All website list prices subject to change without notice.
An Email Quote shall confirm the price for 10 days.
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Folk Harps, Celtic Harps, Lever Harps, Irish Harps, Gaelic Harps - all different names for the same instrument!
All website list prices subject to change without notice.
An Email Quote shall confirm the price for 10 days.
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Folk Harps, Celtic Harps, Lever Harps, Irish Harps, Gaelic Harps - all different names for the same instrument!
Celtic harps currently in our studio or available on order
All harp packages include case, tuning wrench and
some additional accessories as specified on individual model pages
All models of harps by Another Era Lutherie, Dusty Strings, Noteworthy, Rees Instruments and Triplett Harps can be ordered through West Coast Harps at prices competitive with manufacturer retail.
some additional accessories as specified on individual model pages
All models of harps by Another Era Lutherie, Dusty Strings, Noteworthy, Rees Instruments and Triplett Harps can be ordered through West Coast Harps at prices competitive with manufacturer retail.
Lap Harps
As of 2024 - no longer stocking new Lap Harps, occasionally available used Noteworthy Instruments County Kerry 24E - 3 levers /octave - Cherry or Walnut County Kerry 24D - full levers - Cherry or Walnut Rees Instruments Harpsicle 26 - no levers - range of colours Sharpsicle 26 - 2 levers / octave - range of colours Flatsicle 26 - 3 levers / octave - range of colours Fullsicle 26 - full levers - range of colours Special Edition - full levers - Cherry or Walnut Triplett Harps Christina Therapy Harp - full camac levers - walnut - (other hardwoods available) |
Current Used & Consigned Harps (& Accessories) Available:
For more photos and description of used harps visit the Used Harps page on this website.
* Lyon & Healy Troubadour IV lever harp gut strings + accessories - $5600 with cart/$5200 (without cart)